The King's Speech Rated R Rated 10s
Before I talk about this movie, I want to mention the
rating. There is only one reason this is rated R, and that is because of swearing. And not constant swearing, just one scene, which I will describe to you right now. The Duke of York has a speech impediment, so he sees a speech therapist. Since this is a British film, they do say British swears (bloody, etc.) before this scene, so the speech therapist notices he doesn't stutter when swearing. So, of course, he asks him to swear, so there is a long strand of swears including the "f" word. That's it. That's why it's rated R. Isn't that crazy. Okay, back to the movie. The King's Speech has the greatest acting ever. It's about the Duke of York, a.k.a. Colin Firth, who has a speech impediment. Colin Firth and his wife, Helena Bonham Carter, try to find a speech therapist to help him. Finally, they do. Meanwhile, Colin Firth's childhood is revealed, which I don't really want to reveal and ruin a fantastic, sad, scene. Another thing going on is Colin Firth's brother, the prince (and after about 30 minutes, the king) leaves his job to marry the woman he loves. Guess who's left in charge of England? Colin Firth. At the same time, England goes to war with Germany. Colin Firth has to give a huge speech to England. How will the speech turn out? Watch the movie. So, anyway, there is not one bad actor in this film, and there wasn't one scene where I was wondering how much longer the movie would last. In fact, when the movie was over, I was very disappointed. There are many brilliant scenes between Colin Firth and the speech therapist, Colin Firth and his wife, and even Colin Firth and his brother, Guy Pearce. This movie is a positively, 100% To See: That is the answer.
Theo, I saw this movie yesterday and have to agree with your review. I loved it. I have no hesitancy telling anyone who hasn't yet seen it to go see it - now!