Friday, December 23, 2011

The Descendants

The Descendants Rated R
The Descendants is a movie that (for once) is about good people. George Clooney
plays Matt King, a man under a lot of stress. First of all, his wife is in a coma and he has to take care of his two daughters, Alexandra (Shailene Woodley) and Scottie (Amara Miller). On top of all that, he has to decide who to sell his miles of land in Hawaii to. As you learn more and more about his family, he does too.

The Descendants is a great lighthearted dramedy about family. It manages to be funny the same moment it's sad, something you don't see in a lot of movies. Also, all of the actors are fantastic. This is the first time that the girl who plays Scottie was ever in anything, she hasn't even been in a school play, yet she's amazing. I'm hoping it will win Best Picture.

This movie is only rated R because of language. There is almost no sex, just little mentions of it. No violence, unless you count the shots of Matt's wife in the hospital as violence. Mainly, it's just the countless use of the F word. To See: That is the answer.

I couldn't find the best scene on YouTube, so here's the trailer:

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