Saturday, January 22, 2011

The Social Network

The Social Network Rated PG-13  Rated 13s
When you hear about a movie about Facebook you probably think,
can Facebook go any farther with advertising? But it's not a movie about Facebook, it's a movie about a fast-talking computer genious who stole two twins' idea and screwed over his best friend. This man is Mark Zuckerman, played by Jesse Eisenberg. He desperately wants to be invited into College clubs, but he's a big jerk. First, he makes a website comparing girls and how pretty they are, which gets many hits. When two twins, the Winklevoses (or, as Mark calls the, the Winklevi) hear about this, they decide to hire him for making a website, which later becomes Facebook. Mark decides to go ahead and make it without giving any credit to the "Winklevi". His best friend also sues him for screwing him over in about a billion ways. The cool part of this movie is that it switches between the two trials he's being sued for and the making of Facebook. I love this movie, the acting, the plot everything. There are a few scenes that could be cut, but, overall, it's fantastic. Jesse Eisenberg plays Mark Zuckerman perfectly, and both the Winklevi and Mark's best friend are great too. The inappropriateness of this movie is pretty bad. I had to skip two "party" scenes, there's tons of bad language, and there's one scene where the police are involved along with underage drinking and drugs. Plus there are almost no good role models. This may be inappropriate, but it's also at To See: That is the answer.

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